I have been writing on the web since a while. It’s out there. Though never took time to collate it all in one specific place. When these writings take place depends on my idea of free time and emotional state at a given point in time. I keep fluctuating between different states of what I think I should be doing with time in general and my writing bears the brunt.

Below are the spaces where I usually end up writing:

  • My extremely vulnerable side is displayed on my Tumblr account with super short prose/poems (i don’t know what you actually call them haha).
  • My tech, conservation, and productive sides take over when I am writing on Substack, either through my personal blog, ReefBuilder, or through Coastal Impact’s blog.
  • Finally, general musings which I don’t expect people to chance upon, take interest in, or just simply care about, are put up on display on this website itself, right here.